God Loves You As You Are

We hear everyday stories of faith and praise and worship to God. We hear usual testimonies of God’s presence in one’s life. We witness how devotion to God transforms into endless grace and blessings upon blessings. But rarely do we encounter a devotee proudly professing his disappointments to God.

It is valid. God appreciates it.

There will come a point in our lives when we would feel like God does not seem to listen. We pray incessantly but God does not seem to answer. All we do is worship, charity, goodness, and devotion, but challenges kept on pouring, it becomes overwhelming. Then we start to question Him, why?

God welcomes it.

God created us as His beloved. He loves us not only when we love Him, not only when we worship Him, not only when we praise Him. God’s love for us remains even if we are tired of worshipping His name. God accepts us during times when we start questioning His plans for us. God embraces us even when there is nothing left of us, but hate. God does not qualify. God loves all of us, His beloved.

The truth is, even before we feel, God already knows. Even before we cry, God already hears. He will let us pour our emotions, let it all sink in, then God will embrace us until we feel that we are secure in Him.

God wants to let you know that while we are created as humans with all sorts of feelings, we are also created as God’s beloved. God sees us not through our words, but by the profoundness of our hearts. You need not be in the most favorable circumstance to receive God’s grace. God embraces you even in your most unpretentious and objectionable state. God loves you as you are.

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